ReallyGoodLife...With Kids
ReallyGoodLife...With Kids Podcast
05. The things you don't realize might need to be taught

05. The things you don't realize might need to be taught

Or, really modeled, since kids learn through example.

Let’s consider things. No judgement. No worry. Are our kids and the kids in this modern work understanding and learning all of the types of things that would help them?

When you become a parent, or work with kids, are there things they “should” know but don’t?

Not just educational stuff, but life stuff.

WARNING: This really isn’t a “health” episode. I promise! I start off talking about health things and then move onto life skills and considerations. ;)

What’s makes a successful life? Have we thought about it in context of our children and the children of the world?

This is food for thought. Pull up a chair and your favorite drink, and enjoy the pondering!

Cheering you on,

P.S. The YouTube Channel I mention is Dad How Do I?

P.P.S. When I say “not natural” near the end of the episode I mean not naturally easy to do.

ReallyGoodLife...With Kids
ReallyGoodLife...With Kids Podcast
I'm an unschooling, education-degree, theatre-masters, gaming, Gen-X mom with a zillion hours of improv who is a personal growth coach. Good luck.