ReallyGoodLife...With Kids
ReallyGoodLife...With Kids Podcast
04. Why are you doing it? How did it go?

04. Why are you doing it? How did it go?

Teach reflection and assessment skills for greater self-esteem and future goal-setting.

Why are you doing it? How did it go?

An important part of life is the reflection, the assessment, and the readjustment. This helps kids learn the skill to assess when an opportunity is the right choice for them. This helps with self-esteem, goal-setting, and of course, success.

Little Kids:
Small questions about this on the fly.

As Kids Get Older:
You prepare the question and answers and help them go over them.

As They Get Even Older:
They prepare the questions and answers and you help them go over them.

The Goal: Create the cycle of self-awareness, self-assessment, project assessment, critical thinking, and observation as a skill so practiced it becomes a natural way they move through life.

Don’t forget to try using paper!

Cheering you on!

ReallyGoodLife...With Kids
ReallyGoodLife...With Kids Podcast
I'm an unschooling, education-degree, theatre-masters, gaming, Gen-X mom with a zillion hours of improv who is a personal growth coach. Good luck.