ReallyGoodLife...With Kids
ReallyGoodLife...With Kids Podcast
02. The effect of the potential fame cycle on creativity and joy

02. The effect of the potential fame cycle on creativity and joy

How are kids and even adults faring in a world with likes and subscribes?

This is such an important topic! (I even used an exclamation point!)

What is the effect on technology and social media on creativity and projects?

In order to see the struggles that are happening now, I bring you context from the Time Before The Internet.

How are we to help kids and young adults (and even adults) navigate this landscape?

  1. What is the real goal?

  2. What is my mindset?

  3. Can I keep that mindset going?

Listen to this episode to get a framework you can use to craft project goals and the emotional health to see them through, whatever they are.

ReallyGoodLife...With Kids
ReallyGoodLife...With Kids Podcast
I'm an unschooling, education-degree, theatre-masters, gaming, Gen-X mom with a zillion hours of improv who is a personal growth coach. Good luck.