ReallyGoodLife...With Kids
ReallyGoodLife...With Kids Podcast
03. The foundational change to marriage when kids arrive

03. The foundational change to marriage when kids arrive

The work element and what that means.

When you’re dating you see them when you want to see them.

Then you have more time together, longer dates or outings where moods come into play.

Then you get married and move in together and now your individual cycles of moods must live together too.

Now you have a kid and it becomes a working relationship.

  • Would you work together well in any work relationship? Be honest.

  • Separate the work together challenge from the relationship challenges and work on them separately.

  • Uncover assumptions.

  • Be honest with each other about what you each can and cannot do.

  • Separate communication channels.

Set your mindset for solution.

Cheering you on!

ReallyGoodLife...With Kids
ReallyGoodLife...With Kids Podcast
I'm an unschooling, education-degree, theatre-masters, gaming, Gen-X mom with a zillion hours of improv who is a personal growth coach. Good luck.